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Rise and Fall US Bank Tower

Rise and Fall is a work about the embodiment of letting go and moving through – reminding us to be like water. Trapped bodies float through a body of water, equally contained within the fluid limits and unable to escape the loop, despite their attempts. Similarly, many of us experienced these feelings submerged in the chaos and hardships of 2020. At the end of the year, with all that had passed, we were eroded and changed. There is power in the embodiment of erosion and there is power in surrendering to the undulations of our earthly experiences. Bringing the human into the digital realm through indigo-dyed fabric, fans and 84 LED displays this piece illuminates the mesmerizing tranquility of releasing to those forces that are greater than us.

Media Artists: Matea Friend and Nate Mohler

Fabricators: David Friend and Matea Friend

Textile Artists: Kaitlin Bryson and David Friend

Sound Design: Kain Sannicks

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